Family Therapy in Bloomington, IN

Bloomington Family Therapy

Heal and Live Together More Harmoniously

If you’re looking for ways to help your family get along, I can help your family heal and live together more harmoniously. Some common concerns/ questions include the following:

  • Maybe there is a child or another person in your family who takes up all your energy, your attention, and disrupts everybody else.
  • Perhaps there has been an event or incident (e.g. trauma or loss) that shocked your family and changed the way you relate to each other?
  • Do you feel like you can’t talk to your children anymore? Do they seem out of control?
  • Are you worried your child has an alcohol/ drug problem or perhaps a mental illness? Perhaps you’re afraid it will get worse if you don’t do something while feeling powerless to help and guilty too.
  • You notice yourself wishing for a normal happy family like other people.
  • Do you question what you have done wrong as a parent?
  • Is your marriage struggling as you attempt to help other family members?

‘Family’ should be one place where you all feel safe, connected, and everyone looks after everyone else. Right?

Ideally, most of us want our family to provide safety, connection, and to “have each other’s back”. After more than 20 years as a family therapist, I have seen how complex and challenging family really life can be. Kids don’t come with a user manual, yet parents are expected to know how to handle everything that arises. In fact, my children didn’t say “…dad, since you’re a therapist, we going to give you a pass (i.e. provide no challenges)”.

Fortunately, Family Therapy Can Help You:

  • Determine what’s really going on so you can identify patterns and behavior that are causing problems.
  • Overcome the hurt and shock of a traumatic incident and get your family back to how it used to be.
  • Understand why someone might be acting out and learn how to get that person back on track.
  • Learn how to deal effectively with negative behaviors; now and in the future.
  • Acquire more effective parenting techniques for handling children of all ages.
  • Eliminate constant conflict/ arguments and move toward more healthy interactions/ communication.

It’s never too late – or too early – to heal your family.

Supportive and effective child, parent or family counseling can help you make things better. Sometimes I work with the whole family, sometimes with individuals, and often a combination of both.


Call (812) 332-4929 to book your appointment.